
Current and Upcoming Events

Papier Mache Sculpture & the Canine – 5-day Artists Workshop (Summer 2024)

Details and registration: Missa Website

Past Events

Small Works Show at the ART Gallery of Greater Victoria – Sculptures by Leonard Butt

Sooke Fine Arts Show

Leonard is a regular contributor to the Sooke Fine Arts Show

Details: Sooke Fine Arts website

Vancouver Island Sculptors Guild

Leonard is a regular contributor to the Vancouver Island Sculptors Guid

Details: Vancouver Island Sculptors Guild

Sidney Fine Arts Show

Leonard is a regular contributor to the Sidney Fine Arts Show

Details: Sidney Fine Arts website

July 10 – 28, 2019: Dialogue – Sculptures and Paintings by Leonard Butt & Anina Kunstler

Details: View brochure

I had many of my sculptures and paintings on display from July 10 – 28, 2019 at the Cedar Hill Art Gallery (located in the Rec Centre 3220 Cedar Hill Rd, Victoria, B.C).

July 8 – September 4, 2018: Sidney Sculpture by the Sea

There were ten pieces of my work on display at the Mary Winspear Centre, as follows:


Diego’s Passion (Frida’s Demise?)

This is a response to the turbulent and passionate relationship between two iconic artists of the 20th century.  Rivera’s huge bulk is in keeping with his big personality which is contrasted with Frida’s fragile frame and the subjective intensity of her creative work, her health/well-being often seemingly in his hands.

Almost Rising

This piece is something of a self-portrait expressing the tension between the practical responsibilities of daily work and the longing for a larger perspective of life, a more expansive relationship with the realm of the possible.

The Vibrational Tone of Our Intention

A description I once read of Karma, I liked the idea of our intent associated with our actions setting up a
vibrational relationship with the world around us. This piece expresses the often unspoken longings of our
own heart, our sense of that within our rib-cage, and the vulnerability of that open state.

Almost Rising (2nd Version)

This is a more stylized version, less individual, less literal than the first.  It seeks to express the tension between the groundedness of daily work, and a sense of higher purpose through form.  It is also connected to a recurring dream I had as a child, about enjoying my ability to fly marred by adults pulling me down to “safety”.

How The Light Gets In

From Leonard Cohen’s song Anthem, this speaks to our capacity to find insight when we are able to set aside our ego’s will to control and find security through habitual behaviour.  This often comes from adversity, and discovering our imperfections.  In the creative process we long for new possibilities offered up through “happy mistakes”.

Unspoken Connections

This piece is about the unspoken flow, the silent dialogue that exists particularly within long-standing relationships – the way we dream each other’s dream, finish one another’s sentences or spontaneously come up with the same idea.  It also expresses our conscious and unconscious connections even when we appear to be looking in opposite directions, as well as the integration of the opposites we bring to each other.

Night’s Journey

An ethereal Fish, creature of the underworld, is the vehicle of mysterious nighttime sojourns.

Passing in the Night

Sometimes, even when living under the same roof, we are out-of-sync and out-of-touch.  The sharpness of existential isolation is never so acute as when our most trusted relationships become unmoored.  At those times, we are like two ships passing in the night.

Mehr Licht!

Purportedly Goethe’s dying words, it is a cry for more physical light at the failing of his eye-sight or a plea for guidance, a pathway into the afterlife?  For me, the bright green shafts of asparagus heads bursting up through the soil are some of the first signs of Spring’s return – enduring life and a striving to reach the light.  Coincidentally, they have a phallic quality, the force of the creative meeting with the receptivity of nature’s nurturance.


The impediments to our progress, our flow, our will can appear very mechanical and indifferent to our desires.